Rubrics are due today!!!

Two weeks ago, we watched a video featuring Jill Bolte Taylor.  She described her left and right brain as she became aware of it during her stroke.

We continue looking into our brains and the differences between left and right side thinking with Daniel Pink.  He has authored of a great book; A WHOLE NEW MIND Why Right Brainers Will Rule the World.  Daniel Pink writes business books and is a motivational speaker to encourage others to choose their career paths and their futures.
Please watch the following video.  Our discussion board will have more specific questions this week in response to Dan Pink, Adundance, Asia and Automation

How does this relate to teaching elementary school? 
With so much attention focused on THE TEST, it is easy to lose site of our true focus.  We are preparing our young students for a successful future.  Our students need to learn to become brilliant adults who invent and create and move our culture into a new generation.  So what is that future we are preparing them for? Watch Did You Know 3.0

The first video is Daniel Pink sharing some of this thoughts on what our world is becoming and what we and our students need to be to be successful.
The second video is Daniel Pink discussing how this applies to education.  Daniel Pink: Texas senate hearing on education. (You can fast forward to 1:51)

I strongly recommend adding the book, A WHOLE NEW MIND to your summer reading list.

The last assignment is to complete a unit plan.  Below is the template and a sample.  Your capstone is MANY, MANY, MANY things but it is usually based around a curricular unit.  You have already brainstormed over 35 ideas (Bloom/Gardner Grid) and completed a lesson plan as well as an assessment rubric on one curricular area.  Let's use all of this information to create the Unit plan.  Hopefully, you have or will have additional projects to this unit plan from your other classes.  Feel free to include these other projects in your unit plan.  This unit plan will be an incredible jump start to your CAPSTONE.

Unit Plan due March 8th.  (The last class)
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Multiple Intelligence lesson plan is due today!!! Please refer to last week's blog post for specifics as well as templates and samples.

I am excited about a new video I found. 
has autism.   Her speech is not only important to heard for your children with autism but she is an amazing visual learner. Her speech helps us understand how the mind of a visual thinker works. (I strongly recommend the movie.) There will be a discussion board for this video.


In our Bloom/Gardener grid, we came up with wonderful learning experiences to give our students.  We have gone beyond the paper and pencil worksheets to exploring the world around us, collaborating with peers and using our creative mind.  Now…. What if I told you had to grade each and every student on each and every idea and project in the grid?
For example.. How would you grade the following assignments? What is the difference between an assignment grade of a B or a C for each of these? 

1.                  Create a photo collage about their assigned community helper.

2.                  Make a vodcast showing pictures of each type of element. Pictures must contain the characteristic you talked about before.

3.                  Hypothesize what kind of food you would want to eat if you were a butterfly.

4.                  Make up a chant to describe animals that fly.

5.                  Find a series of parabolas in nature

6.                  Create a human fact and opinion chain about farm animals.

7.                  Tell which element you are most interested in and why.


Read this article

Create a rubric for one of the assignments in your Bloom/Gardner Grid.  It may a rubric for the lesson plan you just completed.  It may be a rubric for any other assignment in your Grid.  You may use any rubric generator to create you grid although I suggest Rubistar -  Your rubric is due next week.

Here is a rubric tutorial you may watch if you feel you need more information.

I will be using Aunt Olive’s rubric on rubrics to grade your assignment.
The Bloom/Gardner Grid is due today!!!   I hope you enjoyed trying to be creative to fill in those squares.  I am painfully aware that many of those great ideas can not be used in our program improvement schools on a grand scale but think small to add moments into your day that spark learning for those students with a variety intelligences.

Our next assignment is to choose one of those ideas on our grid and create a lesson plan.  It is your choice if you choose an idea that is most likely to be used and successful in your classroom today, OR you may choose the idea that you wished you could do!!  Imagine laptops for everyone and unlimited time restraints.  Sometimes these crazy (if I could do anything ideas) lead to practical possibilities once thought completely through.  If you have a classroom, you may be more likely to choose practical. If you do not have a classroom, you may wish to dream big.
Use the one idea from the grid that you choose and complete a lesson plan using the template provided.
The template provided has a blank for "STANDARDS".  I would like both the California State Standards and the National Educational Technology Standards and Perfomance Indicators for Students. (NETS.S).  The
NETS.S can be read online. Please read the NETS.S and add the appropriate ones to match your lesson plan.  (PLEASE NOTE: the sample included may not have NETS.S.  Your lesson plan needs NETS.S)

We will be looking into research concerning our left and right brains.  We will begin by watching a video about a woman who had the opportunity to study the brain from the inside out.  Watch
Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight  
Please go to the discussion board to comment on the video and on others comments.
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Next week (March 11th), the Bloom/Gardener Grid is due.

Student Presentations: Please view student presentations on our facebook page. Jessie, Jenni and Cliff have videos this week.

Once you have viewed the presentations, please go to the discussion page on facebook to comment.  Keep the discussion going by replying to at least two others.

Multiple Intelligence: Read the article, “Jaime’s Story” from our text book. 
Leave a comment on the article on the discussion board.  Continue the discussion on two other’s comments.

One last website to help you complete your grid. Click here

The Bloom/Gardner Grid is due next week (March 11th). Assignments can be emailed to [email protected].  
Our next assignment will be to take one idea (one square) from your grid and create a lesson plan. (Due March 18th).  Template attached. Samples next week.
We will also be using the grid to create a unit plan. (Due April 8).
Template attached.
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